Tips on Choosing a Teenage Boarding School
You can look at a potential boarding school for your teen from many points of view. Here are three factors which pretty much cover everything that is good and desirable in a school. The three things to consider are:
- The education program
- The school's philosophy and
- The food, drink and exercise available
That means you need to know how your teen is going to work intellectually, how their spiritual life will be treated and how well they will grow physically with both diet and physical activity. After all, these three things are all about the health and happiness of your child.
So you can ask about the academic program, the experience and qualifications of the staff and where the graduates of this particular boarding school go once they graduate. All this information is highly valuable in choosing the right school.
Then there's the school's philosophy. It does not have to be a religious school to cater for the spiritual needs of your child. What are the core values of the school? This information will almost certainly be stated on the school web site and in any official handbook or brochure. The philosophy tells you much about the goals of the school for its students. Is this what you want for your son or daughter?
Finally as it is a boarding school, your teen will be in residence. What sort of meals are served and when? What sports and other physical activities are provided by the school? You want your teen to do well academically, to find inner peace and to get all the necessary food, drink and exercise needed for their growing body.
Next you want to discover the leadership training program at the school. Of course you want firm discipline but you do not want your child to be a robot in a large corporation. The best schools encourage their students to think through problems, to suggest solutions, to come up with ideas and to develop leadership skills.
You don't need to be told that the teenage years are ones of serious growth both physically and emotionally. The best boarding schools offer outdoor education programs, sound counseling sessions and the appropriate type and amount of food and drink. Teenagers often spurt upwards as their bodies grow rapidly. So too does their need for guidance and care in the difficult teen years. Look for a school which is aware of the particular needs of teenagers and offers advice and activities geared to helping young people reach their full potential.
A boarding school is not a home but it can provide love and inspiration for every student. The basics such as food, shelter and clothing are obviously important. But so too is the philosophy of the school.
Do the teachers want their students to become problem solvers? Do they want their students to learn to think for themselves, to build their self-esteem and respect themselves and others? If so then that is the type of school you should consider. It's an all-round education which you must find and one which will develop a an all-round person.
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