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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Exchanging Used Books With Others

There are thousands upon thousands of individuals around the world that love every thing there is about books and they enjoy sharing them with others. They feel there is no better way to share their love of books with others than by being able to share these wonderful experiences by exchanging them, which also keep used books in circulation.

One individual may have thousands of books stacked upon their shelves that they have read within their life time, but are now just gathering dust as they sit there waiting to be read once more. Area used book stores seem to only be interested in few of them and if they would take these few, then the individual would only receive next to nothing for them. Avid readers would never consider throwing the books away simply because no matter what shape they may be in they are still in good enough condition to read many more times. Finally, the individual comes to the concussion to simply give the books away to some other individual that will want them and that will treasure them as they have.

Today with the advancement in technology there are now a few web sites were individuals are able to join so that they can have the chance to exchange books with other book lovers around the world. Some of these web sites do charge for each transaction, but they also get involved within the mailing procedure between each member. On the other hand, some of the other web sites simply offer the service for either a monthly or yearly membership cost, then the posting cost is simply paid for by the receiver of the books. Either way, these are services that are provided to enhance the relationship between avid readers all over the world by building a community of book lovers where they have the ability to exchange their used books.

Why should any lover of books let books set on the shelves within our homes and gather dust to possibly be never read again? Would you not trade one of your used books with a friend or an acquaintance for a chance to read another used book that you have not read yet? There are many used books that are no longer in print and as being so are know being harder to find, but this makes finding those hard to find books that you have been wanting to read easier. Many individuals, like myself, feel good about themselves when ever they recommend or pass a used book on to some one that they have really enjoyed reading themselves.

It really is a complete shame that there is no real cash value for used books, but this is simply because of the lack of any type of affective marketing for them. Of course, these web sites are at least a way for these individuals to exchange their books. One other way to get rid of used books is to simply develop a monthly book swap between you and as many of your friends as you can get together, who will be willing to meet once a month to exchange books with one another. This is a great way to communicate with your friends and get new reading material as well.



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