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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Can We Really Train Kids For the Future Under the Current Format?

Many folks in America ask what is wrong with our kids, what is wrong with our schools and why are Americans losing out to other nations in world rankings? Are these questions and accusations correct? There is a lot of blaming running around. Teacher Unions blame the top heavy school systems. Little Johnny's mom blames the teacher. The taxpayer's blame the Politicians and the government keeps raising taxes to solve this problem.

Unfortunately, now if you were to take the number of students and the school districts budgets, you find that the average cost per student is over $10,000 per year. Yes, it's true, and I bet you never knew. It's also true that most of the public when asked what that number is think it is about $2500 to $5,000 and that is a very low estimate. It is a number that it probably should be, but isn't.

Worse, with all this money being spent, the schools are not getting the job done and many see the schools as a giant baby-sitting location, and not a place of education. Some go so far as to ask; "Can We Really Train Kids for the Future Under the Current Format?" The answer to that is; Most Likely NO! Now, that in itself is a scary thought indeed.
What needs to change?

First, we need to leverage technology and that does not mean stick a bunch of computers in the back of every classroom, rather it means to use the tools and software to help teach. Avatar instructors for instance, interactive computer games, roll playing online, collaboration with other students and teachers that are technologically savvy. Basically, everything needs to change and soon.



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